Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Chat Transcript, training Webinar 2, June28, 2019

A You can have the WebEx call you. then you don't need to enter the access code (easier).  To have WebEx call you: click [Audio] tab, view [Audio & Video Connection].
A did someone have a question? Please use chat
Q i haven't received log in

Q my team has not either
A we have people working today to send out the rest of the accounts
A folks should check their SPAM folders
Q who is email coming from?
Q When should everyone receive their email with user name and password, some are still waiting.
A email should be coming from someone with a email
Q we got ours from Irsfeld, Toni <>
A we hope that all user accounts go out today.
Q does everyone see the check marks or only administrators?

ALR Dynamics Support Blog –

User Guide 

today's powerpoint  

Q Where does the guide come from. We don't have one
A User Guide  
A if you haven't received you Dynamics account credentials by 2pm, then send an email to
Q in the email sent by Toni yesterday , she indicated a second email with the passwords was going to be sent. can you confirm if that email was sent because i did not see it
A Jonathan, send an email to Make sure to indicate the specific account(s) you are writing about
Q So are we supposed to go back into the incident to update the resident status outcome once we're aware of it?
A Emily, for Resident Status Outcome, only report what you know as of the time of Incident Report submission. no need to update later (report is locked anyway)
Q does the person who has specific knowledge have to be staff member i.e CNA? or can this be a family member after the call ?
Q Wondering the same… is this any witness?
A Nick: this is the staff member at your organization who can follow-up with EOEA regarding this Incident, as necessary.
A (might be different than Incident Reporter)
Q Can you please provide the website to log into Dynamics?
A Emilie: check your email from Toni
Q when I click on link in email it brings me to Microsoft office page, not ALR
A you may need to navigate to the ALR Dynamics application
Q Any Idea when the login information is coming and what to do if we do not get it?
A Cara – we hope by end -of -day
Q did you say that all reports are filed under the lead user, or the additional nurses added to the account?
Q If we have 4 users and our part time nurse puts in a report but isn't in for a number of days if someone else goes into the system can that person see everything that had been entered by the part timer so they can pick up where the other person left off?
A any user who can see the Incident Report will see the checkmarks, and be able to update the Report after submission
Q I apologize if this was already asked, but will this presentation be emailed out for reference?
A today's PowerPoint
A  User Guide  
A get the paper form here –
Q where do I get the paper form for back up
A get the paper form here –
Q patricia have you sent out all the passwords?
A Gisseline, the email will be coming from Toni
Q what do we do when we need to change a name on the email affiliated to the position?
A nick, send an updated URF (User Request Form)
Q Are we still able to send report via e-mail to our supervisors.
A that form is available on the website
Q I was trying to write down the paper form but it went by to fast
A URF form —
Q where do i get the paper IR report and where will it be faxed?
Q when this is rolled out and no one in the building has a sign on can they use the paper form as well, moving forward?
Q how many times can you go back in the system to update report? how long do you have to update report? can another employee update report?
A Noreen you can scroll up in the chat window and check the link. main link to support blog is 
A Nick — paper form is only used for backup if system is down, once all the user accounts are squared away, we will discontinue use of the paper firm.  All Incident Reports to be submitted via Dynamics.
Chat Transcript, training Webinar 2, June28, 2019
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