ALRs should not submit a QuickBase Incident Report before declaring conversion to QuickBase.
This declaration signals that all ALR staff involved in Incident Reporting are able to use QuickBase for Incident Reports, and that reportable incidents will not be reported the “old way” (i.e. fax or email with telephone notification). The date of declaration allows for cleaner record-keeping between the old reporting method and the new method using QuickBase.
As soon as the ALR Executive Director (or the delegated Point-person) uses the web-form to Declare conversion to QuickBase, the ALR may begin QuickBase submission of official Incident Reports immediately.
The web-form captures a date-time-stamp.
Declaration of Conversion to QuickBase Incident Reporting
User Accounts are working
All requested User Accounts have received email invitations,
and that for each account, the steps of registration, security questions, and
first login have been performed.For
each User Account, the named user whose email address is associated with the
User Account has practiced a password reset.All designated ALR Incident Reporters have access
All staff at this ALR, from all shifts, who are expected to
initiate, review, or submit timely ALR Incident Reports (i.e. ALR Incident
Reporters) can access QuickBase using one of the ALR’s User Accounts.All the computers (or devices) which an ALR
Incident Reporter would expect to use to access the QuickBase application have
been tested by the ALR Point-person.New staff who are assigned a role in
Incident Reporting will be oriented and trained in Incident Reporting
procedures, including use of QuickBase, by the ALR Point-person, using
materials from Intuit QuickBase and the ALR-IR Support website.QuickBase will be used exclusively for ALR Incident Reporting
All staff, including ALR Incident Reporters, understand that
Incident Reports will henceforth only be recorded using QuickBase, and not
transmitted to the Certification Unit by fax or email.A notification voice-mail of a submitted
Incident Report is unnecessary, and that practice will be discontinued on
conversion to QuickBase Incident Reporting.Duplicate records will be avoided
All ALR Incident Reporters with access to a User Account
understand that only one QuickBase Incident Report record should be recorded
for any one reportable incident.Timeliness of reporting & completeness of record-keeping will be
maintained.All staff, including ALR Incident Reporters, understand that
in the case of a service outage where QuickBase is unavailable for whatever
reason, to meet the regulatory timeliness requirement of 24 hours, an Incident
Report may be submitted to the Certification Unit the “old way” (i.e.
manually, where a paper form is faxed/ emailed to the Certification Unit,
followed by a notification voice-mail).After service has resumed and QuickBase is available, the ALR will enter
the Incident Report to QuickBase.Any Incident Report submitted late shall include a reason
why the timeliness requirement was not met.
Executive Director’s Declaration & Agreement
The ALR Executive Director (or
delegated ALR Point-Person) indicates agreement.